Marcel Sugano, il 02/10/2005 23:18, scrisse:
> Hello there!
> I was using DR16.X a long time, and now, i have started the trail to DR17.
> I've been using e17 downloaded from, and i like a lot
> and appreciate the great work that it's been done by the team.
> Yesterday, was the first time I try to download the sources from CVS
> and compile to get in touch with the latest CVS commits made. But,
> when it comes to launch the just-compiled enlightenment, i get stuck.
> I can't find enlightenment to link it against .xinitrc, so I only
> could see some *_test running around.
> I need a little guidance here to start playing with CVS, i just want
> to hear from you guys, any set of "best practices" when the subject is
> compiling and launching enlightenment from CVS with something like:
> `startx -- :2 -depth 32` , or you can tell me before I spend too much
> time on trying to find out the real trans thing, that it still doesn't
> work yet. I've compiled Eterm, and i am very excited with the real
> trans feature. Is it possible? Or just fake-trans? My system is
> running slackware 10.1, kernel 2.6.10, on P4, 1GB Ram,

your .xinitrc should be a script which runs your preferred window
manager along with other useful things.
if you link it against the binary itself, you lose the ability to set
up other things prior to this.
in slackware you should have other scripts like
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.something, one for every wm you have installed,
and a symlink /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ponting to one of them.
take one of these as example to write your /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.e17
putting in it the lines to start e, then make your .xinitrc (or the
system wide /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc if you want it to be the default wm
for all users) linking to it.
of course, if you do not have administrative privileges to put that
file in /etc/X11/xinit/ you should simply put it in your home as your

for example, here is how mine is at the very bottom:

XLeds num


esd &

xscreensaver 2> /dev/null &

exec /opt/e17/bin/enlightenment

notice that every command that doesn't have to exit have to be
followed by an ampersand or the script will stuck there waiting for it
to exit.
notice also that I have e installed in an "unusual" path. If you have
it in a canonical path (e.g. /usr/local) you can safely omit the line
setting up the PATH variable.

         Massimo Maiurana          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]       GPG keyID #7044D601

Articolo 11 - L'Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesa alla
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