On Wed, 15 Feb 2006 14:50:03 -0500
Alan Hoyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'm an enlightenment newbie (finally got sick of Metacity on FC4) and
> I installed E17 (enlightenment-0.16.999.023-1.20060204cvs) out of the
> Didier Fedora repo.
> (rpm -q reports:  enlightenment-0.16.999.023-1.20060204cvs)
> I keep getting crashes of Enlightenment and my ibar goes blank.
> I tried installing a couple of Modules, by downloading and putting
> them into ~/.e/e/modules/...  as described on the modules pages, but
> they failed to work.  (I've rm -rf'd my .e directory since then)

Not sure about the crashes... it's possible that that snapshot was just
taken at a bad time. A backtrace from gdb would be helpful with this.

> Is there a way to save sessions between logins?  I.e. have E bring
> back my gnome-terminal windows, opera, gaim, Firefox, etc on login?

gnome-session should still work under e if that's what you have been
using. Alternatively, you can put those applications' eap files in the
startup .order file (~/.e/e/applications/startup/.order) if you just
want the same ones all the time

> Is there a working digital clock module?

e_modules/tclock. Also, the clock module that comes with e17 has a
digital display that you can enable.

> Is there a sticky-notes type of module?

There was, once, but it's been broken for about 3 or 4 months now, at
least. I'm using xpad (an external gtk based program) and it works fine
for me.

> Is there a way to get the file manager to display long file names? 
> It's hard to select the right file when it only displays the first few
> letters....

Depends on which file manager you are talking about. The one that's
built into e isn't really in any kind of usable state yet. Entropy is
getting there, although still slightly buggy (I just tried it now, and
it segfaulted, but it's been working decently until now). Evidence is
the most stable of them, although it hasn't been in development for
about a year now, and api changes have left it in various states of
brokenness... I don't know what the current state of it is. Basically,
there isn't a good efl filemanager that's good for general use yet. If
you're up for testing and bug reports, great(: but otherwise, I would
recommend sticking with something like rox or nautilus.

> -alan


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