On 5/30/06, Jesse Luehrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >How do I get the virtual desktop switching to wrap around?  So when
> > >I'm at the left-most virtual desktop and do a 'ctrl+alt+left', it
> > >wraps around to the right-most virtual desktop.
> >
> > right now virtual desktops are linear not circular, damn flat
> > earthers, so right now you can't scroll to the far right from the far
> > left and vice versa.
> Not true. Use desk_linear_flip_by as the action rather than
> desk_flip_by in the keybindings config (Flip Desktop Linearly rather
> than Flip Desktop) and it will wrap around.
> Jesse

Unfortunately, this is not what I meant.  linear_flip_by, when it
wraps around, also goes down a row.  i.e. in a 4x4 desktop (upper left
desktop coord being (1, 1)  ), if (1, 1) is the current desktop, and I
press ctrl+alt+left, I want (1, 4) to become the current desktop.
Linear flipping makes (2, 4) the current desktop.

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