On 8/26/06, Michael Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Saturday, 26 August 2006, at 19:36:08 (+0000),
> Asfand Yar Qazi wrote:
> > You're getting ruby confused with rails :-)
> And you're confusing Perl with Bash.

And you're taking things too seriously.

> > I used Ruby here in place of Perl, since I don't like the idea of
> > running about 5 programs in backquotes and pipes when 1 will do.
> Perl is also a single program and is significantly more capable than
> Ruby.

nonsense.  They're both just as capable.  Ruby is just easier to code in.

> > Please explain to me the merits of starting about 5 programs when
> > you can just use one to interpret a single file?
> Because using shell is far, far more portable than using Ruby.  Even
> Perl is several dozen times more portable than Ruby.

Good point - could have been made in a friendlier manner.

> And this is not the venue for arguing about languages.  Get back on
> topic, please.

And - although I appreciate what you mean - you can stop moaning
please.  I took it on topic by calling for enlightenment_remote to
generate lists of bindings that would make it easier to use in such
scripts, and was expecting the conversation to continue about that.
Sorry, but I don't see the point of a "discussion" list being kept so
tightly under control that you can't even have a bit of friendly
chit-chat while discussing perfectly relavent material.

> --
> Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  http://www.kainx.org/  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> n + 1, Inc., http://www.nplus1.net/       Author, Eterm (www.eterm.org)

Eterm rox!

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