
> Enlightenment CVS committal
> Author  : raster
> Project : e17
> Module  : apps/e
> Dir     : e17/apps/e/src/modules/wizard
> ...
> + *    (current e defaults, windows-style or mac-style?).
> + * o  ask for what default wallpaper to use.
> + * o  ask if the user wants gnome or kde support
> + *    (for gnome run gnome-settings-daemon, unknown for kde).

I run E17, but use many Gnome and Gtk applications. So I'm still
searching for the best Gnome compatibility. Here are my experiences:

o Use a .gtkrc-2.0:

+ Seems to be the easiest way to get Gtk support.
+ Easy to change with editor or various tools.
- All the nice Gnome tools for menu settings size settings and other
stuff doesn't work.

0 Use gnome-settings-daemon:
+ Full Gnome support
+ Easy to use
+ All Gnome preference dialogs like fonts, menus, themes,... work.
+ Nice tools like gnome-keyring-manager are started
- The gnome-settings-daemon seems to grab some key bindings (e.g. volume
control on multimedia keyboards).
- The Gnome screensaver and password dialog doesn't work good in a E17
environment (sure it could be deactivated).

0 Use xfce4-settings manager
+ Works similar to the gnome-settings-daemon
+ Like with gnome-settings-daemon a set of tools to configure look&feel
- same cons as with gnome-settings-daemon

I'm not happy with any of the solutions. How do you use E17 and
Gnome/Gtk app together?

I thought about forking gnome-settings-daemon. Then I could use all
good things from it and remove all stuff that I don't like/need in E17.
In combination with smart Gnome settings this should work the best.


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