On Thursday 27 May 2010 21:44:25 you wrote:
> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 4:30 PM, Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Until entrance is rewritten I am using kdm to start enlightenment.  It
> > seems that kdm does not use ~/.xsession, because gpg-agent fails to
> > start.
> >
> > What else could I try?
> As already said by people, it depends on your distro and how you are
> using your DM. For instance, if you are using KDM and using the
> "Enlightenment" session it will NOT use ~/.xsession. You need a
> specific session to use it, I don't recall the name, but it may be
> "Custom", "XSession" or something like that.

Thanks, I don't seem to have a 'Xsession' kdm session, but I do have 'Custom'.  
Custom picks up my ~/.xsession and now gpg-agent launches fine.

Thank you very much!  :-)

> As also said, you can just go and have it in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/
> as most distros are set to load all of them in order. Probably you
> already have other agents there, like ssh-agent and consolekit.

I have created a /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/20-gpg-agent script, but this is 
only used by startx, not by kdm.

> Going even further, if you use your desktop mostly for single user,
> I'd recommend using "slim" as DM and set it to auto-login in E17 using
> /etc/slim.conf and "auto_login yes" and "default_user" to your
> username. If you want to type a password, just request E17 to "start
> locked" by using -locked command line option or using the GUI
> Settings/Screen/Screen Lock.  It will make your boot much faster as
> there is no crap qt(kdm)/gtk(gdm) loaded into memory.

Last time I used slim, more than a year ago, it was a bit buggy when I was 
trying to restart fluxbox.  I gave up at the end.

Since I use Kmail, I have to load QT libs anyway so kdm is fine for my needs.

Thank you all again for the pointers!

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