On Sunday 18 Sep 2011 12:17:46 Alex Baer wrote:
> Am Samstag, 10. September 2011, 11:02:48 schrieb P Purkayastha:
> > it is a feature of the theme. You will need to change or theme, or
> > specifically set the ibar module to a different theme which does not have
> > this animation. You can set themes for individual modules from the
> > advanced theme dialog.
> Thanks, but I just don't seem to grasp this, fully. In order to understand
> this all a little better, I thought it would be instructive to look at what
> others have done before. Therefore I imported a few themes, erased my e
> setup by deleting ~/.e and switched between themes.
> However, I don't get this:
> http://e17-stuff.org/content/show.php/A-Angelic?content=95258
> Instead of the resizing of icons like on a Mac, I still see the default
> animation.
> So a complete replacement of the theme didn't provide the desired result.
> What else should I look for?
> Thanks again!

iBar is NOT engage.  You'll need to install the engage module.  More info 


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