On Tue, 2012-06-12 at 08:54 +0900, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jun 2012 13:23:56 -0400 Ross Vandegrift <r...@kallisti.us> said:
> > Can I somehow force using librsvg2?
> no. you can't. rsvg has been killed off thanks to a long history of 
> instability
> in it that brings e down in just displaying icons. esvg is where we're moving
> to (it's the efl one). it also happens to be a fair bit faster than rsvg.

Yea, fair enough - though it's been stable for me for the past two
years or so, I was *frequently* bit by rsvg induced crashes, and for a
long time, always disabled SVG.  There were only maybe two SVG icons
back then, though!

> note - you can rebuild evas_generic_loaders and get an EXTERNAL rsvg loader,
> so if it crashes app doesn't go down, BUt this comes with a large amount of
> overhead compared to the inlined module so loading a new image is a lot
> slower.  the icon zoom effect in e;s ibar launcher definitely suffers as a
> result and stutters. i suggest you bite the bullet on esvg as there are many
> good reasons to go that way. what need to be done now is probably some 
> cleaning
> up of the esvg and friends project setups, but this is a topic to discuss at
> this stage, not necessarily do, but in the face of efl getting rid of its N
> separate lib projects and merging into 1, it will make sense.

I found the correct version of esvg from the SVN commit log, and gave
it a shot.  Didn't go well - no modules loaded, and clicking nearly
anything in the config panel crashed.  I'll revisit that after that
stuff has had a bit more time.

evas_generic_loader works, though I do the lag you're talking about on
the initial load of icons.  Not a major problem for me.

Thanks for the help and explanation,
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