Hi, I just gave another chance to e17 and It works great. I love key
bingings. I think it enforces speed and tidyness in a desktop.

1.- Is it possible to see the current configuration ?
So, If I go to the settings menu, and I click in an action,
how do I know which key binding it currently has ?

I can click on a binding and see what it does, but I'd like
the reverse too. I want to know how to do things.

2.- I want to send a windows to another workspace. I managed
to configure a "send to previous workspace", but it just there
isn't a "send to next workspace" action. Maybe I deleted somehow
I don't know. How can I bring it back ?

I consider restoring default but then I will wipe my current
bindings and I don't if I can do a backup.

3.- Can I save the key bindings and retrieve it later ?

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