
On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Vasiliy Tolstov <v.tols...@selfip.ru> wrote:
> Can somebody share to me list of all EFL programms and say, what
> actual and what not maintained.
> For example i'm grub master of ephoto, but its design very ugly.
> Does Ecrire, Ephoto, Enjoy maintained actively or not? What about
> Shutgun and apathy?

Right now the actively maintained application are Enlightenment,
Terminology (terminal emulator), Elemine (a mine sweeper game) and
Calaos (home automation, quite useless with the hardware ;-) ). I
think that two other game, Eskiss and Escape From Booty Bay (efbb). I
don't think there is much more else than is usable from a user point
of view.

I do hope that with EFL 1.8 release and the new dark theme, it will be
easier for application to come up with a nice and maintainable theme.
We will see.
Cedric BAIL

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