Bradley Reed wrote:
> Hi Kim, all,
> I recently upgraded my e16 to the latest version and noticed some
> strange behavior. I have 2 desktops, each configured in 2x1 areas. If I
> launch conky, conky is only visible on the second desktop, in both
> areas. If I launch a program such as xsnow, even if launched from
> desktop 2, it will only display on desktop 1.
> In previous e16 versions, conky was visible on both desktops,
> and xsnow was visible on the desktop from which it was launched.
> $ eesh version
> e16

I just tried conky (1.9.1_preNONE) with default configuration.
It looks to me like it behaves exactly as would be expected, i.e. 
sticky, borderless, below. Desktops, areas - all ok.

Wrt. xsnow - tried version 1.42 download.
There is some code that tries to find the desktop window for various 
standards and WMs, but the EWMH (new standard) stuff is IMO broken, and 
the e16 stuff may have worked with e16 from about 10 years ago (pre 
0.16.8, I think). Easy to fix though.
So yeah, this xsnow version will always show only on the first desktop.
I doubt very much it has worked with an e16 from the last decade :)


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