Hello everyone,

I am very happy to announce that this year we are going to try to
setup two EFL Dev Day. One early this year in the US and another one
later this year in Europe. This mail is about the first one.

It will be on March 26 in Samsung Research America new office in
Mountain View. Just after ELC. Their will be no entrance fee, but we
require people to register in advance so we can plan things nicely.
Please do so by voting on

For now, it is time to do the call for paper.

By having two dev day, we can have more time to focus and talk. The
first half of the day will be for shorter presentation, around 40min
(likely 20min of presentation, 15min of question/demo and 5 min to
switch to the next talk), dedicated to introduction to the technology
and software that makes up the EFL. For this part we target an
audience with almost no experience with EFL so make sure to prepare
your talk for this.On the other hand the talk should still be relevant
to anyone contributing to EFL ecosystem.

The second half will have longer timeslots for more technical
presentations, around 1h30min (likely 1h of technical presentation
with demo, 25min of debate and 5 min switch time).

A possible example for a small talk would be: "An introduction to Evas
SceneGraph, how it work and what we learned from it.". And for a
longer talk: "Wayland, what has been done, what need to be done and
issue that needs to be solved." Also this time please provide some
introduction paragraph describing your talk.

Please send your proposal to <efl-dev-day-...@lists.s-osg.org> with
the title of your proposal in the title of the mail, the time
specified at the end of the subject in parenthesis and in the body the
abstract of your proposal. Please post with a valid email so we can
ask further precision if necessary.

Have fun,
Cedric BAIL

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