On 01/24/2017 09:53 PM, R. W. Reese wrote:
> I missed the announcement of extra.enlightenment.org, but I am glad to 
> see a central place for themes. I hope that many of the themers like 
> Agust (whose themes I use almost daily) and Duma will be stepping 
> forward with updated themes.
> However, I have a suggestion for themes: providing a way to allow 
> users/distros to "brand" them (add a logo and/or distro name), something 
> that has commonly been done. In the past some of this branding has been 
> done by adding a logo to the background, frequently one that is not 
> scaled. There are two problems with this approach:
> 1.  With the restoration of the old pager that captures the background, 
> that approach does not work well if the logo is not scaled. This means 
> that either users revert to the plain pager or themers incorporate the 
> distro logo into the name.
> 2.  To add a distro name or logo to a theme means decompiling, modifying 
> and recompiling the theme.
> Possible feature request: a way for end users/distros to add the "brand" 
> to the theme the way wallpapers can be changed. I can envision two 
> possible components here: name and/or logo to appear over the background 
> and a logo that can changed for the start button on a shelf.
> I've just browsed open tasks in Phabricator and see no similar feature 
> request open. I would be interested in feedback here before entering 
> one.

Given the way themes are designed that would need to be up to each theme
author to design, The config script I use for building my themes already
allows you to modify the theme description in the about box from its
config file. The simple way to do this would be to use 1 or more
(depending on size) distro.png files in the theme, then to brand you
would just need to decompile change an icon and recompile. This is
probably the best compromise between having something thats never broken
and having something thats easy to use.

It is possible to reference external images from .edj files, so we could
have /usr/share/elementary/themes/assets/logo.png, but there is no nice
way to fall back to something in the theme if its not present (As far as
I know). That approach also goes against the idea behind edj files that
one file contains all the theming info. You'd then also have to take
into account the logo has to work well on light and dark backgrounds if
the user changes theme etc...

Thanks for the idea though, i'll consider making it uniform across the
next lot of themes I start anyway. For openSUSE I generally do custom
branded themes anyway which includes more then just changing the logo
and wallpaper normally I'll make the whole theme match the distro



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