On 31 March 2017 06:02:11 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) 
<ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Mar 2017 11:12:56 +0200 Pierre Couderc <pie...@couderc.eu> said:
>> For example : how to mount  automatically a USB memory ? What app does
>> that ?
> e already does this but it mounts WHEN you open up the device in the
> filemanager.

The real problems are:

1. Getting the system to recognise that.a USB stick has been plugged in. On 
all the systems I have installed e on, this does not happen, although if I 
log out and then log in with xfce, it then recognises when a USB stick is 
inserted. Something in e defeats this, but I'm not skilled enough in 
interrupt detection to know what or where to look.

2. Notifying the user. Even when the system recognises the insertion 
(evidence: tail -f syslog), I have never seen e pop up anything to say a 
USB stick has been inserted. I'm not sure where it would do notification, 
especially when the dock at the bottom is slid down. Is it supposed to 
raise it?

3. Not all file managers are created equal. I can't use e's file manager 
because black on dark grey is largely unreadable, and I haven't found any 
way to make it show the file system hierarchy in a left-hand panel like 
other FMs do. Thunar is excellent (despite apparently having some bug 
people complain about) and it recognises and mounts inserted media every 
time. Dolphin was wonderful until someone took away all its icons: it's now 
useless. Gnome's is OK but limited.

> it's dangerous to always auto-mount just because you plug some
> removable device in. it means they will forever be "dirty" when you unplug 
> them
> again even if you never used them.

That would always apply if you fail to unmount the device, regardless of 
whether it was auto-mounted or manually-mounted. But auto-mount is evil 
because the system cannot know what application I may want to use on each 


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