On 19/04/18 03:37, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> anyone can get write access. sign up an account there. it's a wiki.

I'm not a developer, just an end user, so I don't think I would be in
any remote way qualified to add anything myself.

> but please note that that page is GENERIC. it doesn't cover any special 
> distro.

My error: I assumed that most distros would use the same names.

> we cant have one generic page magically just work on every distro.

No indeed, not as things stand. One page each for the distros I test
might be achievable.

> if you looked top-right there is a list of distro specific install pages with
> more specialist instructions per distro. again - a wiki. can be updated by
> users of that distro as it changes over time.

Right. I missed that completely

> did you try install ninja-build on its own and see what version it was?

No, I just omitted it from the list, and it got included as a dependency
on meson, so it all installed. Haven't had time to do anything with it
yet though.

> perhaps its too old? did you customize the pkg repo urls 

No, everything is stock. The only addition was Niko's repo for E and
Terminology, now removed.

> perhaps mint is just broken if it can't install
> its own pkgs dependencies if everything you have is stock... 

No, just the naming. Mint has no such animal as ninja-build, apparently,
just plain ninja, and it gets installed along with meson.

> but that'd be a
> pretty horrible break there, so my suspects are custom pkg repos of your own
> breaking up dependencies somehow...

It would be pretty bad, but I don't do custom pkg repos, fortunately.
If what I need can't be provided from stock, I switch Linux distro to
one that can (why I ditched Xubuntu for Mint). Like I said: I'm an end
user — I don't have the freedom to experiment at the moment; the best I
can do right now is to donate to the support of a distro. When I retire
things will be different, I hope — time to experiment and contribute :-)


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