On Monday, 23 July 2018 07:44:29 BST Pierre Couderc wrote:
> I have many problems with "big" screens (in pixels 1920x1080).
> Characters are very small. It is easy to change this in e itself using
> "scaling".

Yep, I suffer the same here.  They say eye sight is the second thing to go 
with age ... I forget what is the first.  :-)

> But I have problems with many applications, vlc,thunderbird  for
> exemple. Maybe it is because I miss some freedesktop utility or settings ?

Quite likely.  GTK and QT control the size of fonts in menus for individual 

> I use e alone with a minimum debian system, without display manager, and
> I think I miss some basic utilities. This is not a "e" question but I
> need help....
> Thanks
> PC

You need to install they configuration utilities for GTK/QT widgets.  For some 
reason they are broken on my system:

$ qtconfig 
qtconfig: could not exec '/usr/lib64/qt5/bin/qtconfig': No such file or 

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