I'm not 100% sure how this works, but you should check that your .desktop
file has an entry for 'StartupWMClass'. Run your app, then run ( from a
terminal ) 'xprop'. Click the app. Your xprop app should report some stuff,
including WM_CLASS. Copy one of the quoted strings into your .desktop file.
I *think* that should make it work. But again, I'm not sure.


On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 4:06 PM Pierre Couderc <pie...@couderc.eu> wrote:

> Please help me on this point. Is my problem well described ?
> On 07/29/2018 06:38 PM, Pierre Couderc wrote:
> > When I hoover over terminology icon in an ibar, I see the list of
> > active terminology windows.
> >
> > I have made my own desktop file for my  app (bash script), it works
> > but  the list of active windows is not shown :
> >
> >
> > nous@pcouderc:~$ cat /usr/local/share/applications/player-XP.desktop
> > [Desktop Entry]
> > Encoding=UTF-8
> > Name=qemu XP
> > Comment=Run XP
> > Exec=perl /home/nous/qemu/xp/x.pl
> > Terminal=false
> > Type=Application
> > Icon=/usr/local/share/icons/player-XP.png
> > Categories=System;
> >
> > How to ge tlthe list of open windows ?
> >
> > (I do not suppose it is a e problem...)
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > PC
> >
> >
> >
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