                        “Shoot for the stars,
                         but if you happen to miss,
                         shoot for the moon instead.”
                                       Neil Armstrong

Hello fellow Terminology enthusiasts!

Winter with its long nights can be hard but can also bring some nice
 improvements to Terminology!

The detailed change log lists them below:

== Additions ==
    * Colorshemes: easily change the colors of the terminal
    * Add the following color schemes: Tango Dark, Tango light, Dracula,
      Belafonte Day, Belafonte Night, Material, Fahrenheit,
      Tomorrow Night Burns, PaleNight, Soft Era, One Dark, Cobalt2
    * New translations: Chinese (Simplified), Japanese,
      Norwegian Bokmål, Russian and Ukrainian
    * Handle `OSC 12` to change the cursor color

== Improvements ==
    * Translation updates for Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, French,
      German, Italian, Spanish
    * Add font search in the fonts panel
    * Set `TERM` to `xterm_256color` by default
    * Focus simplifications when going into the settings
    * Tests: better compatibility with debian-based systems

== Fixes ==
    * Fix `tyls` with png/jpg thumbnails

== Download ==
The tarball can be found at :
  - https://downloads.terminolo.gy/terminology-1.9.0.tar.xz

== Social Media ==
If you want to know more about what's going on with Terminology, follow
us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/_Terminology_
There is also a dedicated Youtube Channel about Terminology at
The latest video shows all features around links in Terminology:

Happy compiling! ( https://xkcd.com/303/ )
Boris Faure
Pointer Arithmetician

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