
What i am doing to disble input devices here is:
1. Run xinput in a terminal, this will list all input devices connected to your workstation

2. Run xinput --disable <<number-of-device-from-step-1>> this will disable your input device on X11 level, however, swipe bindings might still get events I hope that is not causing issues for you.

I hope this helps,
   Marcel Hollerbach

Am 07.10.21 um 00:31 schrieb Daniel Kasak:
Hi all. I've snapped my laptop's touchscreen :/ It's sending "phantom"
touch events quite often, which makes things pretty unusable. I've
already tried:

- rmmod i2c_hid_acpi # this disables my touchpad as well, which i'd rather avoid

- adding this to my xorg.conf:

Section "InputClass"
     Identifier         "Touchscreen catchall"
     MatchIsTouchscreen "on"
     Option "Ignore" "on"

Interestingly, this has NO effect :/

In Gnome I can "decouple" the touchscreen in the config panel - this
works. I know this is a kinda oddball request ... but is there any way
I can similarly make E ignore touchscreen events?


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