Hello Zach,

I agree to James. Maybee the 45.2.0 firefoxes had luckily downloaded the needed intermidiate at the time you tried to open your web page.

Do you know which CA is missing?
Than you could check if this CA is "Builtin Object Token" or a downloaded "Software Security Module" (not sure about the correct english name) in 45.2.0.

>Nothing jumps out at me from the main or security release notes as to >why there should be any difference. The CAs included in firefox (or more specific in the NSS) are changing in nearly every release.
But, they are not stated in the normal release notes.

You can track the changes here:

Best regards

Sebastian Metzger

Sebastian Metzger

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Am 29.06.2016 um 04:39 schrieb James Andrewartha:
On 29/06/16 05:43, Schuetz, Zach wrote:
One of our web applications is reachable from most browsers, including
current ESR 45.2.0. However, 45.1.0 (currently deployed in a few places)
gives an SSL error, saying the security chain is incomplete. Nothing
jumps out at me from the main or security release notes as to why there
should be any difference.

Now, the obvious answer is to tweak the security (already working with
our server team) and update Firefox everywhere, but why did this happen
in the first place, and is there any way for me to know if it’s likely
to happen again?

I believe that Firefox will cache intermediate certificates, so if you
visit a correctly-configured HTTPS site that uses the same chain, visits
to a incorrectly-configured site will work.


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