Dear Mike,

Thanks for your quick reply.

We’ll make sure we implement this in the near future.

Bien Cordialement / Best Regards

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Pascal Wulleput
Orange Technology and Global Innovation – TGI
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De : Enterprise [] De la part de Mike Kaply
Envoyé : vendredi 19 juillet 2019 18:01
Objet : Re: [Mozilla Enterprise] Popup about Firefox ESR update even with set to true

Yes, you need to set app.update.silent (for ESR 60)


On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 10:56 AM 
<<>> wrote:

In our .cfg file called by autoconfig.js we’ve got the following parameters :
      lockPref("app.update.enabled", true);
      lockPref("", true);
      lockPref("app.update.service.enabled", true);
      lockPref("", true);

And we’ve just switched the DisableAppUpdate from false to true in the GPO

But some people had the popup displayed in the top right corner asking the user 
he wants to download the update now or later :

Which I thought was normally the case when you had to false

Is it a normal behavior ?

Should we also set app.update.silent to true as well to have Firefox ESR 
updating silently ?

Thank you very much for your answer

Cordialement / Best regards,
Marius TARLO
Maintenance e-buro
tél. +33 1 42 75 34 25<>


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