On Thu, 6 Aug 2020, denisrennes.gaut...@orange.com wrote:

Thanks, and is there any official way to be notified for every new release in 
that directory?
(If no other way I will make a script for that)

Every page on https://www.mozilla.org/ has the tag:
<html class="windows x86 no-js" lang="en" dir="ltr" data-latest-firefox="79.0" data-esr-versions="68.11.0 
78.1.0" data-gtm-container-id="GTM-MW3R8V" data-gtm-page-id="Homepage" data-stub-attribution-rate="1.0" >
which shows the data-latest-firefox and data-esr-versions
In the nearly ten years I have monitored that it has only disagreed with that directory if one of the mirrors is still synchronising.

De : Mike Kaply [mailto:mka...@mozilla.com]
Envoyé : vendredi 31 juillet 2020 22:28
À : GAUTIER Denis OBS/CMI <denisrennes.gaut...@orange.com>
Cc : enterprise@mozilla.org
Objet : Re: [Mozilla Enterprise] Firefox ESR release notification

On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 4:27 AM 
<denisrennes.gaut...@orange.com<mailto:denisrennes.gaut...@orange.com>> wrote:

•         Is there any way to be notified for every new release of Firefox ESR, 
even for security fix releases like 68.4.1 ?
We generally notify this list of every release. If that hasn't been the case, 
I'll make sure it is. We don't currently have a dedicated release mailing list.

•         I noticed that the a new release is available at 
http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/ sometimes 1 day before the 
official release date in the Firefox Release Calendar 
https://wiki.mozilla.org/RapidRelease/Calendar . Is it safe to deploy this 
release before the official release calendar date?
Once a build has been placed in that directory, it is the build we are going to 
release. Sometimes if we encounter issues on release day, we'll halt the 
release, but in those cases, the fix will be a dot release, not replacing the 
original release.

So I will say it's safe to use that, but be aware me might pull the release 
back if something happens on release day (although this typically doesn't 
happen with ESR updates)




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