On 11/9/00 00:54, R. Scott Ohlgren wrote:

> Q: how can I adjust the placement of the ³return² and ³to²  addresses? Theyıre
> both printing about 1.5² too far to the right (i.e., my return address is
> about 1 7/8ths from the left edge of a 9.5² envelope.
> When I open up the script, Iım not seeing anything that looks like the place
> to adjust printing location on an envelope. But Iım completely new to
> scripting. 

The position of the addresses is determined by Word. On Word's Tools menu,
select Envelope... and check to see what the Positions are for them. (If
you've never printed an envelope in Word before it probably doesn't know
where they really need to be.)


George Clark - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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