When you first set up the database, did it ask you if you wanted to use the
System date format or the one in the database? If so, what did you reply?
You should have said "NO," to use the format in the database. That might be
the problem. (I don't recall if this happens in Crevier's database or

The Crevier script has only one reference to "short format," and it follows
a comment about international dates:

    -- 3.1 handle international time formats
    set theTime to time string of dateRec
    set theDate to date string of dateRec in short format

So, oddly enough, this is supposed to <fix> a previous problem with non-US
date formats. I have about run out of ideas. Oh, one other. You report the
error as containing the phrase, "date string of short format". Does your
script say "of" or "in short format"? Should be the latter.

On or near 11/13/00 1:10 PM, Bruce Sanderson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] observed:

> Allen
> I tried that but nothing grayed out in the script when running in script
> Editor.  On stopping however the error message changed to 'can't get dateRec
> of short format".  I use the British date format i.e. day month year.  I
> changed to US format but that made no difference,  I also have relative
> dates unchecked in the mail preferences.  The date in the received column
> shows up in numerals rather than in long format. This suits me and anyway I
> am not sure how to change it.  I also ran in Smile and it reported that it
> couldn't make some data into the expected type.  This makes me think that
> the issue is at the Filemaker end rather than in the script.  I went to the
> field in Filemaker layout and redefined the date format so that it is the
> same but that also did not produce results.  Maybe the time is the factor.
> I have run out of that commodity just now and will come back to this
> tonight.  
> Any further thoughts?
> Thanks again for all the effort on this.
> Bruce Sanderson

Allen Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> XNS name: =Allen Watson
A Mac family since 1984
My web page: <http://home.earthlink.net/~allenwatson/>

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