On or near 11/30/00 2:02 PM, Diane Ross at [EMAIL PROTECTED] observed:

> If it's a large mbox, make sure you up the memory on the Applet. I had to go
> to go to 70000K to get it to work on a large file.

I'm thinking of either:

a. Running it in Entourage's memory space, not as an applet, or/and

b. Reading and writing the file a chunk at a time (say 5K or 10K chunks) so
that we never have the entire file in memory. Open File A for input, open
File B for output; read 10K, do universal replace on it, write the chunk;
etc. I have some code fragments people were posting on the AppleScript list
to do this, and I probably should try fixing the applet I published to use
that technique.
Allen Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> XNS name: =Allen Watson
A Mac family since 1984 <http://home.earthlink.net/~allenwatson/>
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