On or near 10/30/01 4:31 PM, Robert B. Tapp at [EMAIL PROTECTED] observed:

> One frustration of Entourage 2001 is the embedding of the address book in
> the Database. This makes it difficult to transfer updated files from laptop
> to desk or vice versa. The File Synchronization feature of OS 9x doesnąt
> work very well on large files, and a Microsoft tech told me that they do not
> support synchronization.
> Will Entourage 2002 make this any easier?
Copying the database for Entourage is not all that difficult. It is a huge
file, true. However, I find that backing it up on my iBook takes less than
one minute; not a serious problem. The same is true for copying the needed
data from my iBook to my iMac or vice versa. Although I write AppleScripts
frequently, I've never felt this action (copying between machines) was
complex enough to merit a script; I just drag and drop the entire Microsoft
User Data folder. That is really more than is necessary. If all I want is
the Entourage data, copying the folder for my identity is sufficient.

This method of "syncing" two machines forces you to make one machine
primary, where all changes are made; the other machine just gets copies of
the database periodically. I agree that some means of synchronizing two
files, both of which have had contacts added and deleted, is <highly>

I do believe, however, that Microsoft is looking into better
sync/backup/archiving features for the future. AFAIK we won't seen any such
improvements in Entourage for X; the primary goal there was to port
Entourage 2001 to OS X. The fact that Microsoft did this in just one year
after the release of Entourage 2001 earns them high praise in my book. That
they <also> added some new features and improvements earns them open
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Allen Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> XNS name: =Allen Watson
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