On 01/09/15 15:44, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:

On 9 January 2015 at 13:04, Mátyás Selmeci <mat...@cs.wisc.edu <mailto:mat...@cs.wisc.edu>> wrote:

    On 01/09/15 12:04, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
    17:03:30  <smooge>  OK we don't have much old business from the last 
meeting because it was a couple of weeks ago
    17:03:45  <smooge>  We had the orphaning and tyll found some bugs in his 
script that didn't show all the orphans
    17:03:52  <smooge>  so we have another batch.
    17:04:23* bstinson  hasn't had a chance to look through the email yet, how 
bad is it looking?
    17:04:36  <smooge>  nirik, bstinson do we want to have another orphan day 
or just have tyll do them when he has a chance?
    17:04:48  <smooge>  bstinson, it isn't any better than it was before the 
last one :)
    17:04:54* Jeff_S  here a bit late
    17:05:16  <nirik>  did we say 6 weeks or something? or has the timeout 
already expired.
    17:05:33  <smooge>  nirik, most of these packages are over 6 weeks (some 
are 22)
    17:05:48  <nirik>  perhaps one last warn email and do them next week?
    17:05:57  <bstinson>  +1
    17:06:06  <smooge>  ok will send out an email and ask tyll to do them next 
week around Thursday?
    Are the orphan purges going to be batched in the future, or will
    they be automatic once a package hits that 6-week mark? What kind
    of advance warning can users expect before these packages (and
    their dependents) get removed?

As far as I understand it is not possible to automate this. Thus it will always be sort of batched. There is a weekly email which covers what packages are currently orphaned. People should watch for those if they are interested.

Does that answer the question? [Sorry headache so words not working well.]

Stephen J Smoogen.
Yes, thank you. Will you continue to give advance notification of the purge dates?

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