On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 11:53 PM, Gilles Dubreuil <gil...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> The idea, which is probably not new or has been asked before, is about
> having EPEL repos to behave like RHEL repos and keep RPMs version from
> previous release/updates.
> The best case scenario is for recent version of the programming
> languages, but it could apply to many other packages.
> Languages in particular have regular and important updates which are
> released as stable version. There is no reason for EPEL to not benefit
> from those.
> But bringing more recent release potentially breaks backward
> compatibility and therefore is not recommended by the Fedora/EPEL
> package update policy.
> Meanwhile if EPEL could keep older RPMs version like RHEL channels does,
> then we could satisfy more people by offering various versions.
> Does it make sense and is this doable?

I believe that COPR and/or SCL are much better fits for rolling out newer
versions of packages like this.
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