On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 01:40:12PM +1000, Conrad Sand wrote:
> RHEL6 does have some use within a few Fortune 500 companies for
> running existing backend infrastructure.  The type of infrastructure
> that is meant to be "set-and-forget", modulo security updates.
> However, as a general development platform or a workstation, RHEL6 is
> next to useless, as it's outdated and superseded.  According to
> Wikipedia, RHEL6 is out of "Production 2" support, and in a zombie
> state (ie. "Production 3").  This zombie state will last as "extended"
> support until 2024.  Is anybody going to seriously use the RHEL6
> toolset in 2024 ?
> Using RHEL6 for development, and hence updating EPEL6, in effect
> following the sunk cost fallacy.  A better use of time would be to
> update EPEL7.  RHEL7 is still in "Production 1" phase.

EPEL7 update is in progress.  Very easy to rebuild for EPEL6 too, so
there's little reason not to.


Looks like some downstream Armadillo packages need to be rebuilt before
that one is ready.

I know that the Armadillo version is out of date, but we'll push the
soname bump first then I can push the updated patch version.

Ryan Curtin    | "That rug really tied the room together."
r...@ratml.org |   - The Dude
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