On 11/5/2019 12:14 PM, Pat Riehecky wrote:
I've generally been happy with the gnome-software app.

I do not see in the gnome-software app how I can search, view, add, or delete individual packages, as opposed to software applications. Of course if you do not need anything to deal with packages themselves then I can understand that the gnome-software app is good for you.


On 11/5/19 10:27 AM, Edward Diener wrote:
Has there been any attempt to add to a EPEL8 a graphical package manager, such as dnfdragora ? CentOS7, which I have used, had yumex but since CentOS8 uses dnf the old yumex does not work anymore. As I understand it yumex-dnf is no longer being developed and dnfdragora is the logical continuation of yumex-dnf. As a workstation user of CentOS I am not interested in having to use dnf from the command line so a dnfdragora for CentOS8 would be very welcome. Thank you !

Edward Diener
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