Am 17.02.22 um 13:52 schrieb Stephen John Smoogen:
The working assumption has been that the Fedora package is already cleaned up and dependencies are there because the main packager thought they were needed. I and other EPEL packagers have spent enough time 'cleaning up' a package and then getting yelled at by the main packager that I broke something important and they wanted me to not touch their package anymore. [Heck we have caused a couple of people to quit Fedora completely over the years because of this.]

I'm sorry that you had that experience however mine has been quite different: When worked on getting certbot in EPEL 8 I had to branch quite a few (2-3 dozen) packages and while doing that I added test suites and gpg verification if possible.

I never got any angry responses - maybe that is because Python packagers in Fedora are pretty nice people (we have Miro after all ;-). The key I think is to submit pull requests first and wait for some time. I have to admit that I got frustrated more than once by inactive packagers but as far as I can see there is no better alternative. Pushing stuff with provenpackager powers without PR is certainly quite toxic.

Anyway: I hope you'll have a better experience with EPEL 9 :-)
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