Am 24.03.22 um 19:52 schrieb Carl George:
I found python-certbot-dns-google and python-certbot-dns-route53 that require
some of these packages.  I did local mock builds using a custom one off
config comprised of RHEL8, RHEL8 HA, and EPEL8 with the above packages excluded. The %check sections of both certbot plugins passed (26 and 17 tests respectively). I don't know if that is sufficient to declare that the dependency version downgrade will have no impact on those plugins, but at least the test suites pass.

In general certbot is pretty leniant in terms of requirements so slightly older
versions should work fine.

Also these plugins don't have a lot of users so impact should be limited. Worst case upstream is usually pretty responsive to help us out when we need advice about relaxed version requirements.

Thank you for testing the plugins, Carl.

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