> Conor McBride wrote:
> Yong Luo wrote:
> >>Primitive recursion + function types give you all functions provable
> >>total in Arithmetic, Goedel proved this (that's where System T comes
> >>from).
> >>
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >Hello, Thorsten,
> >
> >In practice, it is sometimes not easy to change a non-primitive recursion 
> >to
> >a primitive one.
> >Here is another example which is similar to the Ackermann function.
> >
> >f 0 n = S n
> >f (S 0) n = S (S n)
> >f (S (S m)) 0 = f m (S 0)
> >f (S (S m)) (S n) =
> >         f (S m) (f m n)  +
> >         f m (f (S m) n)  +
> >         f m (f (S m) (S n))  +
> >         f (S m) (f (S (S m)) n)
> > 
> >
> Did you check this example in Epigram?
> Conor

Somehow the question wether a  recursion is applicable in dependent type
theory  as  is  tastes like  a  Jump  &  Run:  jump over  at  least  one
constructor on your way from the left  to the right and run the function
on what's left (on the right).

 And you  can green the left  like hell with with  derived and motivated
eliminations. But since we all know by now, that not all patterns can be
reached by this techniques, we shouldn't underestimate taxonomies of the
left. At least  for informative error messages, when  something like maj
is supplied in batch mode.

 Yong insisted, type theory should be more liberal to what one is likely
(standard ack) (not likes, that's  Thorstens) to scribble down and allow
patterns without a 'sweet spot' (as in majority).
But when  you start to  mention partial  functions, you're not  far from
having to specify your design against overlapping patterns as these then
will raise priority (i.e. fairness) issues between your equations.
And i think,  ever since the SPJ book, it's  partial functions which are
the  main reason  for the  linearity requirement  of patterns  in todays
functional programming languages.

 Spotting inductive positions  (this time i do not mean  the position of
an inductive argument of a type constructor) in patterns can be an issue
of ever being  able to compute results in presence  of partial functions
(Yong)  or efficiency,  when  abducting  from the  image  of a  function


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