> Hi
> Yong Luo wrote:
> >I think the problem is still about pattern coverage. It becomes clearer
> >pattern matching is different from case-spliting, and that is why the
> >majority function comes into our discussion.
> >
> >
> As I have explained, functions such as the majority function present no
> more difficulty (ie still none) for coverage checking in the language
> with refutations and equations. The only issues with such functions are
> pragmatic: firstly whether it's worth putting effort into supporting
> their recognition (eg by expansion to case-splits, as I'm given to
> believe is to happen in Agda 2) and secondly whether it's worth going
> further and adding them directly to the core theory in order to make the
> equations hold definitionally. Those issues can only be addressed with
> realistic examples. So far, I haven't seen an example which wasn't just
> made up to illustrate the phenomenon, which rather makes it a low
> priority in my mind.
> Meanwhile...
> >Let's consider the following example which has a dependent type.
> >
> >T [m,n:Nat] : Type
> >c1 : T 2 4
> >c2 : T 2 5
> >c3 : T 2 5
> >c4 : T 7 9
> >c5 : T 7 9
> >c6 [m:Nat] : T m (succ m) -> T m m
> >c7 [m,n,r:Nat] : T m n -> T n r -> T m r
> >
> >
> >Now, we want to define a function f as follows.
> >
> >
> You might. I don't. Why not?

I am not sure whether this is an artificial example because similar examples
are used by others as well.

> >f :: m:Nat -> n:Nat -> T m n -> T m n
> >f 2 n t = t
> >f 7 9 c4 = c5
> >f 7 9 c5 = c4
> >
> >
> Because, as a decision procedure for covering will tell you, that is not
> a function.

Do you mean this is not a total function? I think it is.

> I find it quite frustrating when you don't actually discuss the points I
> make, but rather continue to make the same invalid arguments as if I had
> said nothing. Because I have some respect for you, I take the time to
> quote from your messages and respond to the points you make in detail. I
> hope you do not consider this arrogant or offensive, even if it is
> inconvenient.

Not at all. I apologise again.


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