* Am 21.07.06 schrieb Joel Wright:
> Hi Everyone,
> It is my pleasure to announce the immediate availability of a
> Functional Pearl entitled "A type-correct, stack-safe, provably
> correct, expression compiler in Epigram", which will shortly be
> submitted to the Journal of Functional Programming.
> The abstract is included below, and the full paper and program source
> can be found at "http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~jjw"; (also on
> "http://www.e-pig.org/"; soon).
> We hope you enjoy it,
> Joel Wright and James McKinna.
> ----------------
> --- ABSTRACT ---
> ----------------
> Conventional approaches to compiler correctness, type safety and type
> preservation have focused on off-line proofs, either on paper or
> formalised with a machine, of existing compilation schemes with
> respect to a reference operational semantics. This pearl shows how the
> use of dependent types in programming, illustrated here in Epigram,
> allows us not only to build-in these properties, but to write programs
> which guarantee them by design and subsequent construction.
> We focus here on a very simple expression language, compiled into
> tree-structured code for a simple stack machine. Our purpose here is
> not to claim any sophistication in the source language being modelled,
> but to show off the metalanguage as a tool for writing programs for
> which the type preservation and progress theorems are self-evident by
> construction, and finally, whose correctness can be proved directly in
> the system.
> In this simple setting we achieve the following;
>    * a type-preserving evaluation semantics, which takes a typed
> expression to a typed value.
>    * a compiler, which takes a typed expression to stack-safe
> intermediate code.
>    * an interpreter for compiled code, which takes stack-safe
> intermediate code to a big-step stack transition.
>    * a compiler correctness proof, described via a function whose
> type expresses the equational correctness property.

Hi Joel,

i only  had a  short glimpse  on your  paper yet:  seems like  it's your
careful design  of the intermediate  code which allows you  to elegantly
show that the 'McCarthy-Painter diagram' commutes. -

 Hope you don't mind me clinging on an issue which is slightly off-topic
of your paper, but which naturally sticks out to me not just because you
address it in your concluding remarks.

At the  moment, i  lack a syntax-coloured  imagination how  your program
would look like  without type tags. But  concerning Epigram's conversion
rule not  beeing able to type  n : Nat  as n :  (Val T) i would  like to
mention the following:

Type   theory's  ι-reduction   exhibits   a  'residuating'   behaviour:
computations may  get stuck on open  terms. So you can't  unify Nat with
Val T, because  it's neither in head-normal form nor  a variable. But if
some  other  computation  were  to  bind T,  you  could  come  back  and
either solve  or refute  this equation.  Conor recently  exemplified the
intricacies this brings on a Coq bug.

But instead of suspending a computation facing a free variable one could
also start 'guessing' possible values for it by unifying the application
with the call patterns of a functions definition.
Such a reduction strategy is called 'narrowing' and one of its drawbacks
is  possible  non-termination when  applied  to  inductive datatypes:  a
function defined on  the naturals may eventually  enumerate the infinite
many solutions for its input.

Moreover, to  retain functionality when returning  the inferred argument
one better makes sure to deal  with one-to-one mappings only. You almost
can  find an  example  of  this in  the  'Eliminating Dependent  Pattern
Matching' paper by Goguen, McBride and McKinna.


Where for a function

        f : S -> T

a predicate of beeing an image under f is developed

        Imf (t:T) : * = imf (s:S) : Imf (f s)        

which allows for a  value of the target type the call  which leads to it
to be inferred

        inv (t:T;p:Imf t) :S
        inf (f s) (imf s) |-> s

Inverting a  function is not  possible in general, because  it logically
corresponds by way of type scheming to Peircean abduction:

                                S -> T, T

which seems  an unsound reasoning  principle as  it would turn  ex falso
quodlibet into negation.

Not beeing applicable in general, i'd  like to explore the usefulness of
narrowing  for computing  with functions  with domain  Type during  type
checking where the output of such  functions is constrained to be a most
general type scheme.

 I would not have  dared to gate-crash with such vagueness  if i had not
recently realized authoritative thought  beeing spent on using narrowing
during type checking:


Unfortunately there's no supplement available, so right now i'm scanning
the Omega docs for relevance.

Best regards,

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