Hi Everyone,
More noise for this list!

I used Epigram in teaching this year, and, since summer is nearly here I thought I'd give some feedback on my experiences. All of this is very unscientific and subjective, so take with a pinch of salt.

The class was a final year BSc Hons class (Snr Hons in Scottish terms) in functional programming. Most NZ students leave at the end of 3rd year, and usually only strong students stay on for 4th year. The class also had some students who were taking taught Master's degrees. These students have a wider range of abilities. Before we started on Epigram we covered (relatively) practical Haskell programming, and some lambda calculus. Some of the students had taken a paper on computational logic, which focusses on theorem proving and logic programming, but also covers Gentzen systems.

With epigram I was aiming for  several related goals:
1) introduce the Curry-Howard/Propositions as types/proofs as programs idea, and give the flavour of programming in constructive logic
2) let students experience epigram's interactive programming environment
3) let students see dependent types doing something useful (or at least something neat)

We did various things:
a) We gave the usual logical types, and Nats, lists, equality...
b) to get a flavour of the extra power of the type system we started with lists and append in Haskell, and moved to defining lists and append in type theory. Then we moved on to defining vectors and exploring how we could use the type to express a full specification for append. c) to get a bit more of the flavour of programming constructively we proved that very Nat is either even or odd. This is similar to, and much simpler than, "either this string parses or it doesn't".

I gave the students an assignment which involved proving some `logical' stuff and defining and proving that addition is commutative.

The logic went from showing |- A & B -> B & A, up to showing that A v -A |- --A -> A, and showing --A -> A |- A v -A does not hold, and showing A v -A |- ((A -> B) -> A) -> A.

I gave them two definition for addition:
plus 0 m = m
plus n' m = (plus n m)'


add 0 0 = 0
add 0 n' = n'
add n' 0 = n'
add n' m' = (add n m)''

To permit the latter definition I gave them an elimination rule (and consequently a new refinement operator). Proving that add is commutative is a lot easier than proving that plus is.

The reaction of the students to epigram was, predictably, mixed. I had feared that they would complain about the UI (none were very experienced emacs users, for example) but none of them raised this as an issue. Curiously, one of them expressed a dislike for the style of incremental program development with rapid feedback! The very best students got a lot out of working with epigram. Some of the middle students found the harder assignment questions beyond them, but some of the middle students really got the idea of proofs as programs. At least one of the weaker students just didn't understand what was going on.

I intend to use epigram again next year. Two obvious things which I could improve are:
i) fewer logical examples, and more programming examples;
ii) more motivating examples of quite basic uses for dependent types;

Anyhow, I hope that this is useful to someone, and I'm happy to discuss further with anyone interested. I guess that eventually there is a paper on teaching programming in constructive type theory constructively in this somewhere.


School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science &
Centre for Logic, Language and Computation
Victoria University
P. O. Box 600
Wellington                                         Tel +64 4 463 6732
New Zealand                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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