On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 12:28 pm, Jeremiah C. Foster via epiphany-list <epiphany-list@gnome.org> wrote:
Using the distro package is smart, but it pushes users back to the
command line because GNOME Software doesn't have support for Epiphany
web apps. This means there are no icons viewable via GNOME Software,
the app doesn't show up at all and you cannot manage it. It makes
Epiphany web apps limited to something that is created on one user's
machine and not really useful as something you distribute.

Well no, the GNOME Software support is different. That support was for "installing" a predetermined set of web apps managed by GNOME Software by creating desktop files in your home directory ~./local/share/applications. The apps were hardcoded: Facebook, Dropbox, etc. Turns out, that is never what users want to get when installing a Facebook or Dropbox app, everybody hated it, the apps all had one-star review feedback, and removing the feature was absolutely the right thing to do.

You can still distribute Epiphany web apps and install them in GNOME Software, just create a package that contains a desktop file, like this:


As far as I know, fedora-developer-portal was the only software to install a system web app like this. Just package a desktop file and some appstream metadata, and it should work. fedora-developer-portal switched to Chromium in Fedora 32 so that I could remove the separate Epiphany web app runtime package from Fedora, now that GNOME Software no longer needs this. I've been considering removing this functionality from Epiphany now that nothing is using it that I know of, but if you plan to distribute web app packages in Purism, then I could keep it around. It's not really hurting anything, but it was broken for a long time until recently due to lack of users and lack of testing, and there's no point in keeping functionality that nobody is using.


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