I misread Jeff's earlier post.  The template is fine.  I agree with Jeff,
forbidden access should always be an error, it will never work at runtime.

Thanks for the tip on deprecated methods John.  This means we have to
javadoc to internal classes to add the @deprecated tag?  Not really a big
deal I guess.


             Jeff McAffer                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
             ibm.com>                                                   To
             Sent by:                  Equinox development mailing list
             equinox-dev-bounc         <equinox-dev@eclipse.org>       
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             cc
             08/30/2007 06:56          Re: [equinox-dev] restricted access
             AM                        setttings                       
             Please respond to                                         
               mailing list                                            
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         

yes, the test project did not have the pref set to "error".  Note however
setting this particular one to warning is goofy since the resultant code
does not have a hope of running.  it really is an error.  We are talking
about Forbidden access not Discouraged.


 John Arthorne/Ottawa/[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                        
 Sent by:                                                              
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                        To
                                            Equinox development mailing
                                            list <equinox-dev@eclipse.org>
 08/29/2007 06:33 PM                                                    cc
          Please respond to                 Re: [equinox-dev] restricted
  Equinox development mailing list          access setttings           

I think Jeff was saying that the template has that preference set to error,
not that the template has an error. This deviation from the template for
the test project was intentional though, since tests sometimes need to
access internals. The tests also intentionally deviate from the conventions
for the "unexternalized strings" setting (ignore instead of warning).
Perhaps we need a different convention for tests/tools that aren't part of
shipping code.

Tom, for the deprecation warning, you can avoid that by marking the
implementation method as deprecated as well (a deprecated method that
implements a deprecated interface method is not flagged as a warning).

 Thomas Watson                                                         
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                                 
 Sent by:                                                              
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                        To
                                            Equinox development mailing
                                            list <equinox-dev@eclipse.org>
 08/29/2007 09:30 AM                                                    cc
          Please respond to                 Re: [equinox-dev] restricted
  Equinox development mailing list          access setttings           

Which template has the error? The jdt prefs template at (
http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/documents/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs) has
the following values for discouraged and forbidden access:


On another note I find it inconvenient that we set "Signal overriding or
implementing deprecated method" to warning. In some cases we have
interfaces which have deprecated methods, there is no choice for the
implementer, they must implement the deprecated method.


Inactive hide details for Jeff McAffer ---08/28/2007 11:42:40 PM---I was
playing around in the provisioning test bundle and speJeff McAffer ---08
/28/2007 11:42:40 PM---I was playing around in the provisioning test bundle
and spent about 1 hour tracking down a classloading issues that turned out
 Jeff McAffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                
 Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                              
 08/28/2007 11:40 PM                                                   
             Please respond to                                         
      Equinox development mailing list              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         <equinox-dev@eclipse.org>                  g                  
                                                    restricted access  

I was playing around in the provisioning test bundle and spent about 1 hour
tracking down a classloading issues that turned out to be a missing package
import. This should have shown up as an error but it turns out that the
Test project has forbidden access set to Warning instead of Error. Please
be sure that all projects conform to the Equinox coding guidelines (the
template has it as error). Where there are deviations, let people know. for
example, I left the test project set as Warning for discouraged use as
tests sometimes need to reach in to access things not normally available.

It might be worthwhile somehow scannng the projects to confirm that they
are all set appropriately. Perhaps a simple tool that just looks at the
relevant settings files?

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