[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/27/2007 06:19:11 PM:
> Hello.
> I need some tips in narrowing down the cause of a problem We've been
> having in our RCP/OSGi application.
> Our project is using Declarative Services to manage several bundles
> of services, and Eclipse Plug-in Extensions for various RCP components.
> Everything seems to be running ok, but I'm having trouble with one
> thing: getting the OSGi framework and all of the bundles to shut
> down when the user closes the RCP Application window.
> First, a few questions:
> -----------------------------
> I read articles like http://www.eclipsezone.com/articles/extensions-
> vs-services/ and start to worry if our use of both DS and RCP plug-
> ins is somehow fundamentally problematic. There is a lot of
> functional overlap, but do these two approaches ever conflict? Is
> there a standard way to get them to work together to close down when
> the application is done?
> Is it remotely possible that the org.eclipse.equinox.ds resolver's
> ConcurrentModificationException during the startup of an OSGi
> framework could have anything to do with preventing the entire OSGi
> framework from shutting down automatically after the RCP Applicationis

Which DS implementation are you using?  The latest version of DS on
the Equinox download page should fix the thread safety issues.  The
latest DS implementation is provided by Prosyst and has many
improvements over our old Equinox implementation of DS.

> Eclipse automatically seems to understand that we want the framework
> to shut down when the application closes, but when we take our jars
> out into the real world, the framework doesn't stop. I suppose this
> is understandable, since we tell OSGi to start the applications and
> to start the bundles and services. How do we tell OSGi that they are
> linked, and must be shut down when the Application closes?

By default the framework should be shutdown by EclipseStarter once
your application has ended.  This should cause all your bundles
to be stopped automatically.  I suspect you are having issues with
non-daemon threads still being active.  When shutting down we
never call System.exit, we assume that all non-daemon threads
will be stopped by the shutdown process.  This is what Alex was
describing in his response.

If you use the launcher org.eclipse.equinox.launcher it does
actually exit with System.exit as long as you don't use -noexit
option.  See the quick start guide for instructions on using
the launcher.  http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/documents/quickstart.php

> About our configuration:
> ----------------------------------
> The framework is started up with the following command:
> java -cp . -jar org.eclipse.osgi_3.3.0.v20070530.jar -console
> config.ini is as follows
> --------------------------
> eclipse.ignoreApp=false
> osgi.noShutdown=false
> osgi.bundles= \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:start, \
> [All of our bundles follow at run level 4]

You should not have to start every bundle here.  You
should only have to start equinox.common, core.runtime
and update.configurator and any bundles which need to be
activated because they publish OSGi services (this includes
DS, event, log etc.).  Something like this should work:

osgi.bundles= \
[All of your bundles that publish OSGi services]

In this case update.configurator should ensure all your
other bundles get installed before core.runtime is started.

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