
I'm having three bundles providing three services using the declarative service 
(version 1.0.0.v20080218):

bundle A:
<component name="A1" immediate="true">
  <implementation class="A1"/>
    <provide interface="IA"/>
  <property name="service.pid"     value="A1"/>
  <property name="service.ranking" value="1000"/>
  <reference name="b" interface="IB" bind="setB" unbind="unsetB" 
cardinality="0..n" policy="dynamic"/>
  <reference name="c" interface="IC" bind="setC" unbind="unsetC" 
cardinality="0..1" policy="dynamic"/>
  <reference name="d" interface="ID" bind="setD" unbind="unsetD" 
  <reference name="e" interface="IE" bind="setE" unbind="unsetE" 
cardinality="0..n" policy="dynamic"/>

bundle B:
<component name="B1">
  <implementation class="B1"/>
    <provide interface="IB"/>
  <property name="service.pid"         value="B1"/>
  <property name="service.ranking"     value="1000"/>
  <reference name="a" interface="IA" bind="setA" unbind="unsetA" 
  <reference name="d" interface="ID" bind="setD" unbind="unsetD" 

bundle D:
<component name="D1">
  <implementation class="D1"/>
    <provide interface="ID"/>
  <property name="service.pid"         value="D1"/>
  <property name="service.ranking"     value="1000"/>
  <reference name="logger" interface="org.osgi.service.log.LogService" 
bind="setLog" unbind="unsetLog" cardinality="0..1" policy="dynamic"/>

Reading the OSGi DS spec I assume the only valid method invocation order (if 
the methods exists and are accessible) is:
1) D1.activate()                   -> some instanceD
2) A1.setD(instanceD)
3) A1.activate()                   -> some instanceA
4) B1.setA(instanceA) and B1.setD(instanceD) in any order
5) B1.activate()                   -> some instanceB
6) A1.setB(instanceB)

Sometimes, it happens that B1 is activated before!!! A1. and I get the 
order of calls from the OSGi log (calls to setD() are not logged!):

1: >Debug [51] D1: activate() [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/d1.jar/
2: >Info [51] ServiceEvent REGISTERED {service.id=29}
3: >Info [54] ServiceEvent REGISTERED {service.id=30}
4: >Info [37] ServiceEvent REGISTERED {service.id=31}
5: >Info [52] ServiceEvent REGISTERED {service.id=32}
6: >Info [53] ServiceEvent REGISTERED {service.id=33}
7: >Warn [4] ComponentReference.bind(): bind method setE is not accessible! 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.0.0.v20080218.jar/
8: >Warn [4] ComponentReference.bind(): bind method setB is not accessible! 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.0.0.v20080218.jar/
9: >Debug [51] B1: activate() [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/d1.jar/
10:>Debug [51] A1: setB() [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/d1.jar/
11:>Debug [51] A1: setB() A1 not yet activated!!! [EMAIL 
12:>Debug [51] A1: activate() [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/d1.jar/
13:>Debug [51] E1: activate() [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/d1.jar/
14:>Debug [51] A1: setE() [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/d1.jar/
15:>Debug [51] B2: activate() [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/d1.jar/
16:>Debug [51] A1: setB() [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/d1.jar/
17:>Warn [4] ComponentReference.bind(): service reference already bound: 
{IB}={service.ranking=1000, service.pid=B1, component.name=B1, component.id=4, 
service.id=33} [EMAIL 

Please observe line 11! I inserted the check for activation since else some 
internal data structures of A1 were not 
initialised and I had NullPointerExceptions.
Since I check for activation, all services are at least started.

I also have a run the whole thing with DS debugging enabled, interestingly no 
service is started at all:

>Info [6] Log created; Log Size=100; Log Threshold=4 [EMAIL 
>Info [6] ServiceEvent REGISTERED {service.id=23}
>Info [6] ServiceEvent REGISTERED {service.id=24}
>Info [6] ServiceEvent REGISTERED {service.id=25}
>Info [6] BundleEvent STARTED [EMAIL 
>Debug [5] bundleentry://7/OSGI-INF/Activator.xml [EMAIL 
>Debug [5] [QueuedJob] WorkPerformer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; actionType 1 [EMAIL 
>Warn [5] [SCR - WorkThread] Timeout ocurred! Thread was blocked on processing 
>[QueuedJob] WorkPerformer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; actionType 1 [EMAIL 
>Info [7] BundleEvent STARTED [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/b1.jar/
>Info [8] BundleEvent STARTED [EMAIL 
>Info [11] BundleEvent STARTED [EMAIL 
>Debug [5] bundleentry://12/OSGI-INF/Activator.xml [EMAIL 
>Debug [5] [QueuedJob] WorkPerformer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; actionType 1 [EMAIL 
>Warn [5] [SCR - WorkThread] Timeout ocurred! Thread was blocked on processing 
>[QueuedJob] WorkPerformer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; actionType 1 [EMAIL 
>Info [12] BundleEvent STARTED [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/a1.jar/
>Debug [5] bundleentry://14/OSGI-INF/Activator.xml [EMAIL 
>Debug [5] [QueuedJob] WorkPerformer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; actionType 1 [EMAIL 
>Warn [5] [SCR - WorkThread] Timeout ocurred! Thread was blocked on processing 
>[QueuedJob] WorkPerformer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; actionType 1 [EMAIL 
>Info [14] BundleEvent STARTED [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/b2.jar/
>Debug [5] bundleentry://15/OSGI-INF/Activator.xml [EMAIL 
>Debug [5] [QueuedJob] WorkPerformer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; actionType 1 [EMAIL 
>Warn [5] [SCR - WorkThread] Timeout ocurred! Thread was blocked on processing 
>[QueuedJob] WorkPerformer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; actionType 1 [EMAIL 
>Info [15] BundleEvent STARTED [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/e1.jar/
>Debug [5] bundleentry://16/OSGI-INF/Activator.xml [EMAIL 
>Debug [5] bundleentry://16/OSGI-INF/Command.xml [EMAIL 
>Debug [5] [QueuedJob] WorkPerformer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; actionType 1 [EMAIL 
>Warn [5] [SCR - WorkThread] Timeout ocurred! Thread was blocked on processing 
>[QueuedJob] WorkPerformer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; actionType 1 [EMAIL 
>Info [16] BundleEvent STARTED [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file:../../build/d1.jar/
>Debug [17] DEBUG 17  [0] 1 :  [EMAIL 
>Debug [17] DEBUG 17  [0] 1001 : 0 [EMAIL 
>Debug [17] DEBUG 17  [0] 101 : 0 [EMAIL 
>Debug [17] DEBUG 17  [0] 102 : 0 [EMAIL 
>Debug [17] DEBUG 17  [0] 3001 : 0 [EMAIL 
>Debug [17] DEBUG 17  [0] 2001 : 0 [EMAIL 
>Debug [17] DEBUG 17  [0] 3 : 4 [EMAIL 
>Info [17] ServiceEvent REGISTERED {service.id=26}
>Debug [17] DEBUG 17  [0] 4 : 1 [EMAIL 
>Debug [17] DEBUG 17  [0] 33 : 3 [EMAIL 
>Info [17] ServiceEvent REGISTERED {service.id=27}
>Debug [17] DEBUG 17  [0] 5 : 0 [EMAIL 
>Debug [17] DEBUG 17  [0] 16 : 8 [EMAIL 
>Info [17] BundleEvent STARTED [EMAIL 
>Info [0] FrameworkEvent STARTLEVEL CHANGED System Bundle

Is there something wrong with my understanding of the DS or is there a (timing 
related) issue
within the DS?

Yours sincerely

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