By not available, do you mean that it does not work, or that you can't write a PDE bundle that depends on it?

If the latter, it's because PDE caches the target environment, and you have to refresh it. You can do that from window > preferences > pde > target. Then your bundle should he available.


Sent from my iPhone

On 7 May 2008, at 00:20, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Installing a bundle after launching Eclipse using the -console, or using the Neils most excellent bundlemonitor ( ) fails to make that bundle available in the WorkSpace / or as an available plugin dependency.

It does however show up it the bundle monitor.

(Eclispe on Windows XP)

I would have expected the functionality to be similar to adding a JAR, in that once the bundle has been installed, it should be available throughout the Eclipse Environment.

I did get it to work by installing the plugin (using the links extension mechanism) prior to launching eclipse. Then the bundle is available and can be used in the workspace.

Unless anyone has any bright ideas ?

I will submit more information in the morning, if required.



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