I'm not sure why you cannot just activate every bundle at launch if you
don't care about lazy activation.  Is that what you tried to do but it

A testcase would really help here.  You mention lots of locks below but I'm
not sure if these are class loader locks established by the vm or framework
locks associated with Bundle lifecycles or DS impl locks.  I suggest you
open a bug against Equinox->Framework to track dead lock issues you are
seeing with lazy activation.

If class loading locks are causing the issue then I suspect you are running
into a flavor of https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=121737.
Locking the class loader at the VM level is blocked by a long standing Sun
http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4670071.  It would be
interesting to know if the VM args mentioned at
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=121737#c8 help solve your


  From:       "Jan Stette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                      
  To:         "Equinox development mailing list" <equinox-dev@eclipse.org>
  Date:       05/21/2008 08:09 AM                                      
  Subject:    Re: [equinox-dev] Equinox lazy bundle start and deadlocks

I'm running with a fairly recent version of the ProSyst DS.  I don't think
this deadlock is the same as the ones  in the bugs you mention though (we
saw those earlier before we got patches for those).  Specifically, those
bugs don't involve lazy bundle starting.

It seems to me that there's an inherent problem with the lazy bundle
starting.  What we're seeing is that one thread goes through the steps:

    Bundle is activated -> DS is notified, gets lock -> enters class loader
as part of activating a service, gets lock.

Whereas a second thread does:

    Enters class loader, gets lock -> bundle is lazily loaded -> DS is
notified, gets lock.

So in one thread, a lock in DS is held before the classloader lock is
acquired, in the other thread the classloader lock is held then it calls
out to DS which will acquire a lock.

Maybe it would be possible to work around this specific case by juggling
locks inside the DS implementation.  But it just seems to me that it would
be very difficult to guard against future errors along this line.
Basically, the lazy bundle loading means that any innocent-looking line of
code like:

   Widget = new Widget();

anywhere in my code can cause a very long chain of synchronous events
including calling back out to my code through bundle and service listener
interfaces.  Ensuring that locking is correct in all situations seems
completely impossible, so I'd much rather just turn lazy loading off.  Any
suggestions for what is the best way to do this?


2008/5/21 Thomas Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
  The deadlock you describe sounds similar to the issues we were dealing
  with in bug https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=199103 and
  https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=186280. Both of these bugs
  have been addressed in 3.4. What version of Declarative Services are you
  using? Is it the latest graduated implementation from Equinox? Can you
  try 3.4?

  To answer your second question we need more information on the set of
  eclipse bundles you need for your application.


  Inactive hide details for "Jan Stette" ---05/21/2008 07:19:46 AM---I'm
  seeing some deadlock problems with Equinox lazy bundle s"Jan Stette"
  ---05/21/2008 07:19:46 AM---I'm seeing some deadlock problems with
  Equinox lazy bundle starting, much as described at

 From:            "Jan Stette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  
 To:              "Equinox development mailing list" <                 
 Date:            05/21/2008 07:19 AM                                  
 Subject:         [equinox-dev] Equinox lazy bundle start and deadlocks

  I'm seeing some deadlock problems with Equinox lazy bundle starting, much
  as described at http://wiki.eclipse.org/Lazy_Start_Bundles. This page
  suggests that these were only occurring in 3.2, but I'm running with
  Equinox 3.3. What is the status of resolving these issues?

  I should mention as well that I'm using Declarative Services, and that
  this is involved in the deadlocks I've seen so far. The problems relate
  to the declarative services code being registered as a bundle listener
  hence getting callbacks when bundles are lazily started. It then
  synchronously proceeds to read component specifications and activating
  services (hence calling out into client code). Having all this happening
  synchronously on a callback essentially sourced from within a classloader
  seems like a recipe for problems!

  I'm working on a server-side application so I actually don't care about
  lazy start at all. So to work around the problem, I tried disabling the
  EclipseLazyStarter hook using the osgi.hook.configurators.exclude system
  property. This caused problems when starting some Equinox bundles that
  would look for services that hadn't been registered. Presumably because
  the bundles providing these services depend on being started via the lazy
  start mechanism. I then tried working around this by ensuring I listed
  all necessary bundles in my config.ini with the right start level, but I
  found it difficult to come up with a working configuration here.

  Does anyone have any other suggestions for how I can run Equinox with
  lazy start disabled?

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