No, but there is a platform property you can set on the State object to put
the resolver in "development" mode.  Using the platform property
osgi.resolverMode=development will allow bundle constraints
(Import-Package, Require-Bundle etc.) to resolve to bundles in the state
which are not resolved because of missing constraints.  This is what PDE
uses to resolve the PDE classpath container within the workspace.

HashMap platformProps = new HashMap();
platformProps.put("osgi.resolverMode", "development");
// add other platform props here
State state = getState();


  From:       "Tom Huybrechts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              
  To:         "Equinox development mailing list" <>
  Date:       07/10/2008 08:09 AM                                      
  Subject:    [equinox-dev] resolving partially                        


I'm using the Equinox resolver in tooling (Maven) to build a classpath
for the JDT compiler.
This requires me to have all the transitive dependencies of the
plugins I'm building, and I'd like to avoid this.
Is it possible to mark certain bundles as resolved before resolving,
even if their dependencies are not present ?

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