The threading/cardinality properties?  There is currently no way to
override the application properties specified by an applications extension.
I suppose we could enhance the container to allow these types of properties
to be specified in the Map which is use to launch an application (i.e. when
calling ApplicationDescriptor.launch(Map))

Other option is to install a fragment that specifies the same application
class but uses the threading/cardinality options you want.  You can open an
enhancement bug if you want to investigate overriding properties of an
applications extension when launching an application.


  From:       Scott Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       
  To:         Equinox development mailing list <>
  Date:       08/27/2008 04:05 PM                                      
  Subject:    Re: [equinox-dev] running startApp from equinox console  

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the info...this does the job.

One other question:  Is there a way to specify these application
properties from inside the console 'startApp'?


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