You can disable the autostarting of the deafult instance by setting the
framework property:


| From:      |
  |"Srijith Kochunni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                       
| To:        |
| Date:      |
  |10/10/2008 04:45 AM                                                          
| Subject:   |
  |[equinox-dev] Disable default start of Jetty.                                

Hi All,

     I want to use Jetty servlet container to host my servlets within OSGi,
however, the equinox.http.jetty bundle seems to start jetty by default on
port 80, or the port specified by the org.osgi.service.http.port property
in config.ini. However I want to programmatically start the Jetty on a my
own port at runtime. I am able to use JettyConfigurator class for this
purpose and am finding it convenient, however, I see that the default
server instance still keeps running and I am unable to stop that from
happening. Is there a way i could specify that the default server instance
should not get started. ?

     Thanks for your help in advance.

Srijith. _______________________________________________
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