This message is intended for users of the org.osgi.service.condpermadmin
package.  Please let me know if you are a user because I am unaware of any
users in the Eclipse community at this point.

The method getGrantDecision() on the ConditionalPermissionInfo class has
been renamed to getAccessDecision().  The getGrantDecision was a new method
added during the Galileo release.  Renaming the method does not pose a
breaking change from the Ganymede release.  But it will break any early
adopters that may have been using the new getGrantDecision() method.
Clients must change to use the renamed getAccessDecision() method.

I found no such client in the Eclipse SDK and I am not aware of any other
clients in the greater Eclipse Community.  I released the changes today and
they will be included in the nightly build of the Eclipse SDK.  Please let
me know ASAP if you have any issues or concerns.


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