This is the thing about decoupling bundles with services...

Eggs do not depend on flour; they know nothing about flour. Flour knows
nothing about eggs. We need some kind of knowledge that lives outside of the
ingredients -- i.e., a recipe -- in order to make pancakes.


On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Jeff McAffer <> wrote:

> Good point Jason.  I would generalize it even more and say that it is not
> just DI but the decoupling that comes with services (or the extension
> registry for that matter).  We decouple bundles to they don't depend on
> specific implementations but then do not have a mechanism for spec'ing that
> they actually need an implementation. There is the component definition in
> DS etc but p2 or someone else has to read/understand that.  The unique thing
> about DS is that it is even more removed.
> You could say , "hey, the bundle has DS markup so it must need DS" While
> that is likely true in many cases, it is also possible that the same bundle
> could be used with and without DS.  It may contain other markup for other DI
> mechanisms.  These have to be dealt with at a higher level as you say.
> Jeff
> On 2010-04-02, at 4:40 PM, Jason Barkanic wrote:
> In general this is a problem with any kind of dependency injection,
> although in this case nothing is actually being injected, but it is being
> set up and managed by an outside component.
> Do you set up a dependency on the dependency injector?  How do you best
> notify clients that they need the dependency injection framework with your
> config, or else they'll have to set things up themselves?  It's not even
> different implementations of DS, but you could substitute in Blueprint, or
> Spring, without changing the API (that is if you don't define API to include
> one particular set of bundles over another).
> This kind of thing is annoying though (I've been a victim).  I'm interested
> to see what solutions present themselves as more and more people move to DI
> and Services paradigms.  I think good error messages can help, since that
> might have alleviated your 6 week search in the first place, but that is
> easier said than done.  The error message could make suggestions about why a
> service lookup failed, but it's hard [impossible] to really know.
>  -Jason
> Phil Wrote:
> =============================================================================================================
> I can appreciate the desire to allow different DS implementations but the
> bottom line is that DS is going to break any RCP application that uses P2
> (there may be other fall out as well).  My RCP app uses P2 so I thought that
> I should download 3.6M5 so that I had time to make comments about the API
> before the API freeze.  When I updated not only did my auto update
> functionality break, but my build server broke also (PDE build with P2).  It
> took 6 weeks of googling before I figured out that there was this new DS
> bundle that I not only had to include, but I also had to be responsible for
> starting.
> All is well for me now, but I fear that this change is going to have a big
> impact when 3.6 releases.  At a minimum this needs to be documented probably
> both in "What's New" in the "Plug-In Development Environment Guide" and also
> in the 3.6 Plug-in Migration Guide.  Getting the rcpupdate example updated
> (bug 307558) was a good step in the right direction.
> Thanks,
> Phil
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Thomas Watson <> wrote:
>> Note that Equinox does have the ability to declare non-code dependencies
>> in bundle manifests. See Eclipse-GenericCapability and
>> Eclipse-GenericRequire headers at:
>> This could be used by the DS implementation to declare a DS runtime
>> capability and bundles defining DS components could declare a requirement on
>> the DS runtime capability. But this mechanism only describes resolve time
>> dependencies. It still would not solve Jeff's other concerns about the need
>> to have DS active in order to truly work. Also note that p2 meta-data
>> currently does not reflect the generic capabilities/requirements declared in
>> a bundle manifest so even if we specified these today I don't think it would
>> really help in ensuring a DS runtime is provisioned by p2. Perhaps we should
>> consider adding that to p2?
>> Also note that the OSGi alliance is currently looking at providing a
>> standard way for declaring generic capabilities and requirements for a
>> future core specification. We should keep an eye on this space and feed any
>> additional requirements we may have to OSGi in this area.
>> Tom
>> [image: Inactive hide details for Jeff McAffer ---04/01/2010 11:46:32
>> AM---It should be up to the system integrator. Actually, there sh]Jeff
>> McAffer ---04/01/2010 11:46:32 AM---It should be up to the system
>> integrator. Actually, there should be metadata (in p2) that expresses the
>> need for various servic
>> From:
>> Jeff McAffer <>
>> To:
>> P2 developer discussions <>
>> Cc:
>> Equinox development mailing list <>
>> Date:
>> 04/01/2010 11:46 AM
>> Subject:
>> [equinox-dev] Re: [p2-dev] who should declare dependencies on ds?
>> ------------------------------
>> It should be up to the system integrator. Actually, there should be
>> metadata (in p2) that expresses the need for various services to be present
>> to make the integrator's job easier but ultimately inclusion/activation/...
>> are in the eye of the beholder. So we should not cod classpath (bundle or
>> package) dependencies, rather we need more markup in p2 metadata to capture
>> these non-classpath-related dependencies.
>> More detail: In this case you could declare a package dependency on the ds
>> package but that will only get you the interfaces and not the
>> implementation. The producer could similarly declare a bundle dependency on
>> the Equinox ds bundle. This is short sighted as there are other DS
>> implementations. Various p2 features could include the Equinox DS bundle.
>> This is better but suffers from the same problem--that feature would not be
>> usable with other DS implementations.
>> Note that the problem is a friend of the HTTP service, Help system and
>> myriad of other situations where people need a service to be there but there
>> is no clear declaration of that dependency.
>> Note also that simply having DS there is not enough. It needs to be
>> started. This is a product/launch level concern (i.e., the DS bundle
>> can/should not say that it should always be started).
>> So, unless the p2/ds problem is burning, it would be better to address the
>> underlying issue than ad hoc addressing of the symptoms.
>> Jeff
>> On 2010-04-01, at 12:21 PM, Susan Franklin McCourt wrote:
>>    We currently use ds in p2 to declare most of our services.
>>       Yet we don't have any particular bundle that declares a dependency
>>       on ds.
>>       I can justify this in some respects - theoretically there could be
>>       clients that consume the p2 bundles, declare their own services (using 
>> ds or
>>       dynamically) and thus don't care about getting the default service
>>       registrations. However this is not typical usage. Most people would 
>> expect
>>       to get the ds-declared services, and right now they only get cryptic 
>> errors
>>       or failed launches if they aren't using our features or product files 
>> and
>>       don't know to include ds.
>>       For example, in a recent bug [1] , someone was getting a confusing
>>       error because we forgot to include ds in the .product file for an 
>> example.
>>       We fixed it by including ds in the product file.
>>       My question is - is this the right fix?
>>       It feels a little strange that a consumer that doesn't declare any
>>       services with ds still has to know that the bundles it is using declare
>>       their services this way.
>>       Is it intentionally left up to the configurer of the system to
>>       ensure ds is included in the running target? Or should the bundles that
>>       declare services with ds be requiring the ds bundle?
>>       susan
>>       [1] 
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