Thanks Tom for the confirmation.


On Jun 8, 2011, at 6:25 AM, Thomas Watson wrote:

Hi Tim,

You are correct, the resolver hooks are not called when reifying the bundle 
wiring. Instead we reify the wires exactly as they were when the framework was 
shutdown. No resolve process is done in this process. The assumption is that 
the resolver hooks were present when the framework shutdown and the resolution 
state was persisted in the exact way the resolver hooks want when the framework 
is restarted. It is the responsibility of the hook register to determine if the 
wiring is not consistent with what they want when the register their hooks. If 
the wiring is incorrect then a refresh bundles operation must be performed to 
re-resolve the bundles with the hooks present.

This kind of thing is required regardless of the cached results since OSGi 
decided to build resolver hooks on the service layer on top of the module 
layer. In Equinox I imagine a resolver hook implementation would want to store 
the resolution timestamp on shutdown and do a check that the resolution 
timestamp has not changed when they register their hooks (i.e. check the 
results from 
 If the timestamp has changed since the hook was unregistered then a refresh is 
needed. Also see for a 
related discussion for the region digraph implementation in Equinox.


<graycol.gif>Tim Diekmann ---06/07/2011 04:35:00 PM---Hi,

From:   <ecblank.gif>
Tim Diekmann <<>>
To:     <ecblank.gif>
Equinox development mailing list 
Date:   <ecblank.gif>
06/07/2011 04:35 PM
Subject:        <ecblank.gif>
[equinox-dev] ResolverHook on startup



I have a Equinox implementation specific question regarding persistent wiring 
and ResolverHooks.

When Equinox reifies the bundle wiring upon startup, does it call the 
ResolverHookFactoryService implementations? I would assume the hooks would need 
to be installed from the 'outside' or else the factories would not be 
registered by the time the framework rebuilds/reifies the bundle wiring state.

My current assumption is that ResolverHooks are not called on startup of 
Equinox for persistent wiring.

Can someone confirm?



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