>From this point on, please consider Equinox Framework CVS read-only and our
framework git repo live.

Framework and Launcher:

Launcher Binaries:
- Use master for Juno work
- Use R3_7_maintenance for 3.7.1/Indigo SR1 work

Use the ssh://use...@git.eclipse.org/gitroot/equinox/... form for
read-write access to the git repository.

The map file has been updated to build the bundles included in the
framework git repository for the nightly build.  Andrew has some more work
to finish up to get the launcher binaries and fragments to be built out of
git.  Thanks to Andrew Niefer for doing all the work to get this migration
done for the framework.  We will be moving the other equinox components to
git over the next couple of weeks.


  From:       Thomas Watson/Austin/IBM@IBMUS                           
  To:         equinox-dev@eclipse.org, p2-...@eclipse.org              
  Date:       07/06/2011 01:27 PM                                      
  Subject:    [equinox-dev] Migrating framework CVS repo to git        

Equinox developers.

I hope you are well aware of the effort to move the equinox and eclipse
projects from CVS to git (see
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=345479). We have decided to
migrate the framework and launchers first.

We plan to migrate the projects documented here (
) to a framework git repo. We have done a test migration which is located
at ssh://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/equinox/rt.equinox.framework.git. Later
today we will be tagging the projects in CVS and then do the official copy
to populate the git repository for real. Our plan is to then run a test
build tomorrow and if all goes well we will build from git in the nightly
build tomorrow night.

After this is done successfully we will move on to the other equinox work
areas and migrate them over (p2, bundles, security) in the coming weeks.
The incubator will be the last work area moved over. I think we have some
work to do to figure out what from the incubator should be included in the
incubator repository. The simple approach is to migrate everything that is
there, but that may result in a rather large incubator repository with lots
of dead code.

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