OK.  So that was a pretty good response in a relatively short period of
time ;-)

It sounds like we have at least 3 folks interested in participating in some
way to keep Equinox weaving from going dormant.  We will be evaluating the
plan post Juno in the coming weeks/months.  I pencilled in a plan item for
Weaving to use the standard OSGi WeavingHooks

Thanks for your interest!


  From:       Andrew Eisenberg <and...@eisenberg.as>                   
  To:         Equinox development mailing list <equinox-dev@eclipse.org>,
  Date:       04/23/2012 10:27 AM                                      
  Subject:    Re: [equinox-dev] Interest in Equinox Weaving            

As the project lead of AJDT, I can say that Equinox Weaving is crucial
for what we need to do.  That being said, in the past two years, we
have had very few problems with it and it has been serving our
purposes nicely as it is.  So, I personally don't have a need for a
redesign.  But reworking the implementation to use a more modern API
might be a good idea.

If no one else is stepping up, then I can have a look.

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 6:43 AM, Stephan Herrmann
<step...@cs.tu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm mildly interested in participating in this. Meaning, that if a
> redesign of some sort happens, I'd like to help improve the support
> for multiple different weavers.
> best,
> Stephan
> -------------------
>> The Equinox Weaving project has gone rather dormant over the past
> couple of
>> releases (Indigo and Juno).  The point of this note is to question
> the
>> communities interest in the Equinox Weaving project and to request
> for help
>> from any of the interested parties.  To my knowledge all committers
> that
>> have been involved in the Equinox Weaving project have since moved
> on to
>> other things and do not have time to devote to maintenance or future
>> enhancements.  Keeping these things around simply because they have
> been
>> there in past releases is starting to cause us problems (see
>> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=377314).
>> This is not a threat to remove Equinox Weaving from Juno, but we
> need to
>> consider what to do post Juno.  Thanks.
>> Tom
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